Quad Blogging

This year Jean Batten School is taking part in a 'Quad Blog' initiative with Finlayson Park School. This will allow students and staff at both schools to gain experience with blogging and provide opportunities to interact with others positively online in a controlled environment.

One class blog will be the ‘focus class’ for a week, and the other three classes will visit that class blog and leave comments on the content. The next week, one of the other classes will be the ‘focus class’ with the other three visiting and leaving comments. This cycle will continue throughout the year.

The blogs involved in this initiative are:

Room 2 - Jean Batten School: http://jbsroom2.blogspot.co.nz/

Room 3- Jean Batten School: http://jbsroom3.blogspot.co.nz/

Room B11 - Finlayson Park School: https://b11fps.blogspot.co.nz/

Room B4 - Finlayson Park School: http://b4fps.blogspot.co.nz/


  1. Thanks for the websites of quad blogging

  2. Thanks for the websites of quad bologing. By Akshath
