Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Art board by Koreta

On Monday, Jean Batten School had an assembly in the hall. Room 2 shared our art board that  was made by my friend Mattia and Mr Jackson. When I saw Mattia walk up stage two boy came along to with Mattia. Their names were Ihaiah and Fuapau. There had to hold the art board while Mattia was reading the paper in front of the whole school. When I saw Mattia walk on to stage she didn’t look scared when she was reading it. 
My favorite Art board was room 1.


  1. hi Mr Jackson i like how you put "friend" instead of my students i wish i could draw just like that .what KIA KAHA mean? by Cyrus

  2. Wow, Koreta I likedd your story you posted our school does that to one time my class made clay monsters.
    by Malayah.

  3. Hi Koreta, I really like your story but I think you made a mistake, "There had to hold the art board" I don't think that makes any sense but nice try. by Tairis, b4 (class)

  4. Hi koreta i relly like your story that looks so cool kia
    By alonzo

  5. Hi Koreta I like your story about the art board for Room 2. My favorite Art Board was room 21.-Joshua
