Thursday, 24 August 2017

We Should Eat Fast Food by Akshath

We Should Eat Fast Food

We should eat fast food because some are healthy and gives people a choice. 

Fast food is good because you don’t have to cook it, like at KFC and stuff. If you cook it at home you will waste your time and wont have enough time to do your chores. 

It’s also not expensive. The wicked lunch is not expensive at KFC. It’s delicious. That’s why people buy it. It’s got lettuce in burgers and that’s what makes it healthy. We should eat fast food because it’s delicious and healthy. McDonalds and KFC are so delicious. 

We should eat fast food because it can be healthy and delicious for you. I eat KFC every Saturday.

We should not eat fast food. By Liana

We should not eat fast food

We should not eat fast food because it is not healthy for our bodies. It has heaps of fat and sugar. Fast food can lead us to cancer and diabetes. If you eat too much fast food it can make you sick by eating and drinking heaps of sour sugar. Fast food doesn’t have long lasting energy because of all those unhealthy ingredients. Ingredients such as some delicious chewy lettuce, onion and tomatoes foods that give us that long lasting energy. Fast food can make you have diseases if you eat heaps of salty fries & burgers. 

Fast food is really expensive for example if you want a meal. If you buy fast food for many months or weeks you might end up having no money. If we spend all our money on fast food we won’t be able to buy clothes, shoes, products and we also won’t be able to pay the bills. 

Fast food isn’t a fabulous choice. It is not good for our bodies.

Image result for fast food

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Not enough energy - by Dresynn

You shouldn’t eat fast food because it has calories, fat and too many carbs also if you want to play sports you would get stitches while dribbling, swimming or trying to get a touchdown. You might also drop the ball and you can’t shoot the ball in because you can’t use your mussels to score in basketball because your weak and you might get kicked off the team for not giving anything a go. Or not giving any effort and you might get a hiding for wasting all your parents’ money for registering and food. So give everything a go if you’re comfortable also you might damage your body parts in football or any physical sports like rugby. Also you not pass the ball or get a try that’s why we should not eat fast food because it’s not healthy for our body and sports players.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Why We Should Be Allowed To Eat Fast Food - By Ikos

In my opinion we should be allowed to eat fast food and choose whatever we want to eat as long as we don’t eat too much fast.

We should be able to eat fast food because some fast foods are good for you like Subway and Sushi restaurants. Fast food means you don’t have to cook and there are lots of fast food places so it would take less time to find one and therefore, drive to one then to drive to Pak’n'Save or Countdown. As an example, what if you were fasting from lollies and your parents wanted to buy you a treat? What would your treat be? Fast food! If you don’t like vegetables, there are other choices like Subway or Sushi restaurants, they have vegetables in them, a good taste, and they are fast food!

In my opinion everyone should be allowed to eat what they want to eat.
-By Ikos-    

We should not eat Fast Food By Mattia

I believe that we should not eat fast food. Fast food is not healthy and not good for us because it has to much sugar, salt and fat. Most Fast Foods are high in calories and in fact that can lead to diseases because fast food has too much salt, sugar and fat. 

If you go to the McDonalds and you wanted a cheeseburger, your mum goes to order it and gets her money and it cost $10.00 and she only has $5.00, and you know fast food cost too much money. 

Once I was eating a burger my face turned RED, when I looked down there was onions and I am ALLERGIC to all kinds of onions! Fast food can give you the food you’re allergic to and you won’t know! 

We should not eat fast food because it is not healthy. 


We should have Fast Food by Amazon

I think we should have fast food because it’s nice.

The first reason is it’s cheap and you don’t have to spend a lot of money. For example at BK we can get a stunner meal for $5. You get chips, burger, sundae and coke.  I can’t make that at home.

Another reason why we should have fast food is because it’s fast. It only takes 4 minutes and at home it would take 11 minutes. That’s why it called fast food.

A third reason is someone else makes it for you. You don’t have to make it and you have more time, At BK you only have to tell them what you want and you have to buy it and you can go.

Lastly fast food is yummy. There is lots of nice food. At BK there is a menu with lots of food.

Because fast food is yummy, someone else makes it, and it is cheap, I think we should have fast food.

Image result for burger king

Awesome Impresionist Art Work

On Monday 14th August Room 2 shared some of last term's art work in a school Values Assembly. 
Here's what we did:

Last term we got our inspiration for painting for the famous Claude Monet.

He is an impressionist, which means his paintings are made with dabbing brush strokes.

He has some very famous paintings like landscapes and lily-ponds.

Here are some examples of our own impressionist paintings:

Buddy Time!

This week for Buddy Time Room 2 has been helping their Room 6 buddies with their fractions! Here are some photos of the boys doing some awesome work together. The girls are lucky and get to escape to Room 6 for 30 minutes!

Ikos helps Ziyad with folding his milk correctly.

Joshua watches as Jacob completes his basic facts.

Cullen checks VJ's work.
Junior helps Pranav make fractions of a set.

Duante explains another fractions problem to Vavega.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

The Police Visit By Ikos

Today, Room 2 and the rest of the Senior School went to the hall to see Constable Pricilla who talked to us about our behavior and how it can impact how we act when we are older. 

She said that she once had a friend who was a bad boy when she was a girl. Later in her life when she was a police officer, she saw him getting arrested. This shows that if you behave well when you grow up you'll have a good life. 

She also talked to us about bullying and how we shouldn't bully each other.

Friday, 4 August 2017

Class Merit Award

Ihaiah received a Class Merit Award in this morning's assembly. The award was for his awesome effort and attitude during writing.

You can read Ihaiah's latest piece of work by clicking here.

Keep up the fantastic work!

Year 5 High Flier Award

On Friday the 4th of August 2017, Joshua from Room 2 received the Year 5 High Flier Award.

His award reads:
Joshua shows all the values expected of a Jean Batten student and more! He takes responsibility for his own learning, always looking for ways to challenge himself. He willingly helps others and regularly puts others needs before his own. He has shown tremendous leadership this year, taking on a very important responsibility which sometimes sees him working right to end of the school day. He is an absolute pleasure to teach, a dedicated student, and a true high flier.

Great work Joshua!