Friday, 4 August 2017

Year 5 High Flier Award

On Friday the 4th of August 2017, Joshua from Room 2 received the Year 5 High Flier Award.

His award reads:
Joshua shows all the values expected of a Jean Batten student and more! He takes responsibility for his own learning, always looking for ways to challenge himself. He willingly helps others and regularly puts others needs before his own. He has shown tremendous leadership this year, taking on a very important responsibility which sometimes sees him working right to end of the school day. He is an absolute pleasure to teach, a dedicated student, and a true high flier.

Great work Joshua!


  1. Hi Mr Jackson Joshua is a really true high flier. I think he shows all our school values.Well Done Joshua. By Mattia

    1. He certainly does show all our school values. It's not always easy to pick with so many students in Room 2 who are also High Fliers.

  2. I Mr Jackson I like that Joshua has the High Flyer award. Joshua is supposed to get the High Flyer award because he is a real High Flyer. By Akshath

    1. Hi Akshath,
      I'm glad you agree that Joshua deserves the High Flier award.

  3. Hi Mr Jackson. Amazing story and congratulations on winning the high fliers Joshua. One day im dreaming of becoming a high flier. would you be surprised if you won the high flier award. By Giovanni.

    1. Hi Giovanni.
      I think it's great that you want to be a high flier! I believe that anything is possible if you are prepared to try your best. My dad taught me the saying, "If it is to be, it's up to me!".
      Even if you don't get the trophy in assembly, you can still be a high flier. Keep trying your best Giovanni!

    2. thanks Mr Jackson. your a great person.

  4. Well Done Joshua. I'm really happy that you got the High Flier.
    I hope you will keep up that behaviour.

    By: Your Mum

    1. Hi Mum Thanks for commenting on my post about the high flier award. I didn't know I was going to get the High Flier. What made you come to the assembley? By:Joshua

  5. you deserved it joshua! by Cyrus
