Friday, 18 August 2017

Why We Should Be Allowed To Eat Fast Food - By Ikos

In my opinion we should be allowed to eat fast food and choose whatever we want to eat as long as we don’t eat too much fast.

We should be able to eat fast food because some fast foods are good for you like Subway and Sushi restaurants. Fast food means you don’t have to cook and there are lots of fast food places so it would take less time to find one and therefore, drive to one then to drive to Pak’n'Save or Countdown. As an example, what if you were fasting from lollies and your parents wanted to buy you a treat? What would your treat be? Fast food! If you don’t like vegetables, there are other choices like Subway or Sushi restaurants, they have vegetables in them, a good taste, and they are fast food!

In my opinion everyone should be allowed to eat what they want to eat.
-By Ikos-    


  1. Thank you for sharing your point of view with me. I think there should be more fost food outlets that offer healthier food options. If you could open a healthy takeaway outlet what would serve?

  2. Hi Ikos. I like your story about why we should be allowed fast food. In my opinion I think we should be allowed fast food because we can get lots of energy. But there is something wrong with fast food it can get you fat and you may get diabetes. What is your favourite take away.

  3. Dear Ikos.I really appreactiate that you think that we sould eat fast food and I agrre with you that we sloud be allowed too.I eat fast food all the time how about you?

  4. Hi Ikos. I liked your story about why we should be allowed fast food. There are lots of calories but it is still very good.What is your favourite thing to eat at your favourite place?

  5. i like your fast food story by mike bureta.

  6. Thanks a lot Mike!-Ikos-

  7. hi miss Brandon. Thanks for the comment! If I owned a healthy takeaway outlet I would serve the type of things the takeaway subway serves.-Ikos-

  8. Hi person from room 3 who didn't write his/her name, It is true that you can get diabetes if you eat to much fast food so just don't eat to much fast food. My favourite takeaway is KFC. (Though I only get it every three months.)-Ikos-

  9. Hi Tupe! Thanks for the comment! I'm only allowed to eat fast food every three months.-Ikos-

  10. Hi Ikos I like how you said that we don't have to make food.
    whats your favorite fast food. By Fuapau

  11. Thanks a lot Fuapau-Ikos-

  12. Hi Ikos. I like your opinion about why we should eat fast food and I think it is true to eat fast food because I like sushi but mostly the rice.By Tiana-Rose and Sophia

  13. Thanks a lot Tiana Rose and Sophia!
