Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Welcome to Room 2

Welcome to Room 2's class blog. During the year we will be adding everything we find awesome, interesting, challenging, exciting, and just downright cool! We can't wait to see what you have to say and we hope you enjoy viewing it.

Room 2 Collage


  1. I like Room 2's photo because its perfect and they all look like they are excited to take this photo. Mr Jackson who is the best person in your class? By Destiny

    1. Hi Destiny. I like the photo too. I took all these photos at the start of the year so everyone looks excited. Saying who is the best person in the class is tricky ... I want to say me! I will need to keep thinking about who is the best person.

  2. Hi Mr Jackson I liked how you said that during the year we will be adding everything we find awesome,interesting,challenging,exciting,and just downright cool!Yes I agree that you guys will be adding those thing during the year.what is your favorite part in your story Mr Jackson?

    1. I hope everyone who reads this blog find what we post interesting and awesome too! My favourite part in this post was putting up the collage of all Room 2's faces.

  3. Hi Mr Jackson
    I like the photo's that you took of each person in your class.
    i am also putting awesome story's on my blog.
    Who is your outstanding blogger in your class?
    by: Preston

    1. Hi Preston.

      Thanks for commenting. I think there are some really nice photos in the collage. We took these at the start of the year. Can you guess where? I can't wait to see your awesome posts on Room 3's blog. Room 2 is full of outstanding bloggers, especially those who help others with their posts.

  4. Hi Ms Jackson
    I like room 2's photo because they look awesome.
    I have seen your class they were amazing.
    who is the most hard working person in your amazing class?
    By Keni

    1. Hi Keni.
      Thanks for the comment. I think Room 2 looks awesome too! The most hardworking person in Room 2 is definitely me! Everyone else works really hard too. I hope you work hard in class too!

  5. Hi Mr Jackson I loved the picture it is so cool it reminded me of the time we had the class photo in 2014. By Sophia and Mele.

    1. Hi Sophia and Mele. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. Did your teacher also make a collage of photos in 2014? I used a website to do it.

  6. hi MR Jackson i like the photos with your class by Alonzo and Chase B4

    1. Hi Alonzo and Chase. Thanks for commenting! I think it's a pretty cool photo full of pretty awesome students. Do you have a picture of your class on your blog?

  7. Hi Mr Jackson. That picture of your class looks cool. Can you teach me how to do that.
    By David
