Wednesday, 14 June 2017

M.O.T.A.T By Koreta

On Tuesday Room 2 went to a trip named MOTAT. MOTAT was
A nice trip at MOTAT we went to two MOTATs. My very favourite part was the Tram because I didn’t like to walk around MOTAT because my Legs will get sore. At the first MOTAT we did experiments about Lift. The activity I liked was the cup thing when you had to try sticking a card under a cup. The balloon was my favourite too because we had to get a paper and a string then you have to fold the paper and hole punch the paper after that you put the string inside of the paper and then you have to go like an air balloon . When you go into the air balloon you have to hold really tight onto the string and smile. At MOTOT I had fun.


  1. Hi Koreta, did you know that Mattie-J went to the MOTAT and she got a Ice-Block. They went into this activity room and they said it was fun. What was the best part at the motat

  2. By Tiana-Rose

  3. i wish i can come with you by mike
