Thursday, 15 June 2017

MOTAT Trip by Cyrus

We went to MOTAT. It was fun .first we split into groups, then we waited under a plane. Then we walked into MOTAT. There was more planes then an airport. Its enormous like an elephant (obviously) we always got lost in Separate ways, as we all went in separate ways to explore the museum (MOTAT). Then we went to MOTAT 2, in the tram. It was better than MOTAT 1 because it was creepy in the doll house. It looks like Anabel. We played games, we controlled a robot, and we even played the house drums. It was awesome with the trampoline. We saw Ihaiah playing on the trampoline. Then we went on the tram to MOTAT 1 to leave. On the bus, everybody was singing as usual; I mean ALL THE TIME! I could not believe how much fun I had!

By Cyrus


  1. Hi Cyrus
    I liked your story.I also liked it when you said that Motat was enormous like a elephant.
    I like planes too.
    What was your favorite activity in Motat?

    1. my favorite activity is the telescope by cyrus

  2. Hi Cyrus I went to M.O.T.A.T as well on the same day as you. Did you go at the robot place? You have to control the robot [thats auctally a ball] By Akshath

    1. Hi Akshath did you know the man kept talking and talking the robot was annoying because it kept dieing I went to the robot plsce By Cyrus

    2. Did you get the robot out of the maze

  3. F.P.S, B11 Jerome
    Hi Cyrus, I really liked the way you had scary details about the doll house. I wonder if you went into the mirror maze?

    1. i did go in to the mirror maze i was so close!!!
