Friday, 2 June 2017

Wedding by Joshua


On Monday I went to a wedding at my grandparents house. At my grandparents house the wedding had already started and we were waiting for the bride to come.When the bride came,my uncle went to get his Bluetooth Speaker and his iPhone. Then he played the music for the walkway. Then when they were both standing together the priest was talking. They put rings on each other. Then the bride was signing the papers so she can be a part of her husband's family.

On the other side of the house there was a lot food like three cooked pigs, rice risotto, noodles, chicken and lamb legs. For dessert we had cake and popsicles. When we got to the other side of the house, everyone was there but the sad part was we had to eat after everyone was gone. Then at 6pm everyone had left and I said"Finally we can eat". And we went to eat the food

By Joshua


  1. Hi Joshua you were lucky to go to the wedding what was your favouritwe part? By Jazzlyn

  2. It must be cool at the wedding I wish I was invited. What did the rings look like? By Anne

    1. Thanks Anne for the comment on my story and the rings at the
      wedding were magentic gold and had nice two sparkly diamonds
      on the top.By:Joshua
