Thursday, 4 May 2017

Silverdale Adventure by Ikos

                                                              The holidays,
In the holidays, I went to Silverdale Adventure Park with the whole entire skids site to play around.
We went into a small building made to look like a U.F.O.
Inside of it there were countless seats, I sat on one. A few seconds later
A big screen in front of me lit up. It had a railway track. The U.F.O started to shake
And I felt like I was in a cart riding down the track. After four minutes (Not exactly four minutes)
The shaking stopped and a door was mysteriously opened. I walked outside, “that was fun.”
I say feeling the breeze. After that I bought myself two ice blocks and a bottle of Sprite.

Once I was finished, I got to play on a HUUUUUUGE slide. It took about five minutes to get up there when I was walking and two minutes when I was running. It took about forty seconds to slide down it since I was trying to slide down it fast. At the end of it there was a huge pit with water in it. After about five slides I got my towel and went to a wooden table where some of my friends were. We went to get dressed and I got another ice block to eat. Once I ate that I went back to the Skids site.

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