Friday, 7 April 2017

Mangere Markets by Dresynn

The Mangere market was full of fruit and vegetables of all sorts. There were tasty yellow bananas and the delicious yum kumara. But then by the kumara there was disgusting gross yuck cauliflower. Next the markets suddenly went noisy. There were cars going everywhere people yelling in other languages, and DJs playing songs, Hawaiian music and rapping. There are all sorts of music playing at the markets. The smell of it was delicious. There were tasty kebabs, yum red kumara and last I smelt hot chips and hot donuts. So we bought all of that and ate all of it.


  1. Dresynn I liked how you used adjectives when you said "but then by the kumara there was disgusting gross yuck cauliflower". I liked how you said there were tasty yellow bananas because I like bananas too. Was the mangere market fun? By Alima

    1. Thank you Alima and yes it was fun have you been to the Mangere Markets. My Favorite thing in the Mangere Markets is the strawberry's and the candy.

  2. Hey Dre, I like how you said that there were tasty bananas. I like bananas. What fruit do you like? By Makoe
