Friday, 7 April 2017

The Mangere Market By Cyrus

The Mangere market was beautiful there was so much stuff! Discs, food, toys, tools .The red long kumara was laying down in the super-hot sun.  The radishs were piled up on each other lucky not to get burnt. The bananas were dazzling in the lava hot sun Cars beeping in the distance because of the traffic. The smell of fresh churos and kebabs. The green cauliflower ready to be taken and eaten. Humans in stores waiting for money
By Cyrus


  1. Hi I like your blog it was amazing. I liked the words that you used. What food do you like the best? By Nevaeh

    1. my favorite food at the markets is churros

  2. Hi Cyrus,
    We thought your story was fantastic because you included lots of detail in your writing. What is you favourite food at the market?
    Comment by, Zeeyaan, Rizma, Exodus, Margaret

    1. i like the delicious churros

  3. Hi Cyrus I like your discribing words. My favoourite green vege is caulyflower. Whats your any kind of favourite vege?By Akshath
