Thursday, 6 April 2017

The Mangere Market by Rubayat

The Mangere market were full of fresh, colourful vegetable and fruit. There was fresh bright yellow bananas and brown circle shaped potatoes. The people were chatting so much that the other people couldn’t hear. The shopkeeper was booming the island music through the market and the cars were rumbling in the distance.


  1. Hi Rubayat, I liked your story about the Mangere market because you used lots of describing words. I liked the part when you said the shopkeeper was booming the island music through the market.Yes I agree the market was full of fresh, colorful vegetable and fruit.What kind of colorful vegetables and fruit were they? from Areebha

  2. Thanks Areebha for commenting on my post the fruits were apples,bananas,Potatoes and more. By Rubayat

  3. Hi Rubayat I liked your story about the Mangere market it was amazing. By Jazzlyn
