Thursday, 6 April 2017

The Mangere Market by Mattia

The Mangere market was full of delicious fruits and vegetables. The fresh yellow bananas sat like golden statues in the sun. Red Kumara waited to be bought. In the distance cars rumbled looking for a park.

The island music was booming throughout the market. Loud people talking in different languages. There were also shining cauliflowers that waited to be bought.


  1. Hi Mattia your story is so amazing. I like the part where you said that the fresh bananas sat like golden statues in the sun and the island music was booming through the Market. I wish I can go with you and eat bananas. What else do you like at the market? From Mele K

    1. Thank you for commenting on my post.I like the hot chips and the fresh fruits.By Mattia

  2. F.P.S B11 Katerine
    Hola there Mattia your story was wonderful, your describing words made
    me imagine myself at Mangere Market selling my sisters baking with you.
