Monday, 24 July 2017

How do Maori Celebrate Matariki? By Anne

              How do Maori celebrate Matariki?                                      
Image result for Matariki
Matariki is the Maori New Year Maori. 

The stars of Matariki were formed around 100 million years ago. That’s only 1/5th the age of our sun. 

During Matariki, people spend time with whanau and have one big feast. The whanau might talk about Matariki or sing one or more Maori songs. 

The Maori might go fishing and eat lots of seafoods like mussels and maybe kumara and a BBQ. 

When it’s Matariki Maori people make art and crafts like drawing, Maori tattoo patterns, or craft some colourful kites. They can weave flax into stars or make poi. 

Matariki is a special time for the whanau to spend time together.

By Anne       


  1. Hi Anne I really loved reading your story i just wanna read it over and over again.By:Jessica

  2. Hi Anne I never knew the stars of Matariki formed 100 million years. Where did you learn all this information from.

  3. Hi Anne I really like reading your story because on night I like looking up the sky and name the stars I see. by Mele

  4. F.P.S B11 Zhendy
    Anneong Anne I really enjoyed reading your facts of Matariki, my favourite part in your story is when you said that the Maori makes arts and crafts when its Matariki. By the way what culture are you and how do you celebrate Matariki?

  5. B11 F.PS Jyne'e.
    Hi Anne I really liked your Matariki,story how the Matariki are formed 100 million years ago.

  6. WOW!! That was an amazing story. I really liked how you said Matariki is a special time for the whanau. What did you do for Matariki?by Paige
