Monday, 24 July 2017

How do Maori celebrate Matariki? - By Cullen

How do Māori celebrate Matariki?

It is a tradition to celebrate Matariki for the Māori.

Some people celebrate Matariki by having a feast, eating taro, and lighting a bonfire on the beach. They can have mussels and kumara and ika.

On Matariki people spend time with thier family and do arts, knitting, making kites, playing board games, carving, singing and painting.

On Matariki if the stars are bright, that means your crops are going to grow faster than normal.

The main idea is that is they celebrate with a lot of stuff like the haka, dancing, weaving, carving, string games and kite making.

By Cullen


  1. Hi Cullen,
    I like how you described Matariki. What are the 7 stars named. Did you know the god of the stars cursed the 7 stars into the sky?

  2. Hi Cullen I loved your story. I heard that in some books people wake up early to have a morning breakfast.
    Have you seen the seven stars yet?
    By Sale

  3. Hi cullen I loved your Facts.I thought they where interesting.Do you celebrate Matariki?

  4. Hi Cullen,I want to ask you if you have seen the seven stars yet? And I also like how you describe your story....By Areebha

    1. Hi Areebha no ive never seen the seven stars yet and thanks for the feedback. By Cullen

  5. Hi cullen i like how you were using desciptive word in your story about matariki celebration. BY:Rouruina

    1. Hi Rouruina thanks for giving me that feed back. By Cullen

  6. Hi Cullen i like how you used all different ways to celebrate Matariki have you ever celebrated Matariki?
