Monday, 31 July 2017

My Holidays by Makoe

My Holidays

In the Holidays I went to the movies to watch War Of The Planet Of the Apes. I was really excited to see the movie because of all the apes. 

During the movie I ate my popcorn and my M and M’s. My popcorn was warm and soft. My M and M’s were crunchy. My favorite part of the movie was when the apes had a fight that was really cool. 

After the movie I went to MC Donald’s and I had a Double Quarter Pounder. The Quarter Pounder had really steamy buns. 

Then we drove back home. I was sad because I knew it was going to be a boring ride back. When we got home I felt exhausted so I had a beauty sleep. 

My favorite part of my holidays was to go to the movies to watch War Of The Planet Of The Apes because it was funny. I can’t wait until the next school holidays come so I can watch another movie.


  1. Nice story Makoe and I like how you wrote about the movie War of the Planet of the Apes.I have watched all the movies of the apes and my favourite is the one before this one. Which movie is your favourrite. By Giovanni

  2. Hi Makoe i liked how you said you saw war of the planets of apes cause ive never seen that movie
    By alonzo

  3. i like how you used full stop and details by mike bureta

  4. on the holidays i went to whakatane on wednesday i went to go and watch war of the plantet of the Apes

  5. Hi Giovanni, thanks for the comment. My Favorite part was this one.

  6. F.P.S B11 Kate
    Hi Makoe, that was a beautiful story. I loved how you said you had a beauty sleep. Quick question, what is your favourite animal?

  7. Hi Alonzo, thanks for the comment. I hope you go and see the movie next time. By Makoe.
